User Experience Design

User Experience Design

Claire is a graduate from the University of Texas McCombs’ School of Business UX/UI professional certificate program, where she learned user experience design, user interface design, and front end coding literacy.

Projects produced during Claire’s time in the UT Austin McCombs UX/UI Bootcamp

Travel App: “TravelStop”

Social App: “Questr”

Small Business Redesign: “Hutson Clothing Co.”

TravelStop - the one-stop-shop for travelers!

The goal of TravelStop was to address a void in the travel market post pandemic. Through user research, iterations, and testing, Claire was able to practice her skills as a user experience researcher and designer to produce a clickable prototype in Figma to demonstrate how users would not only utilize but benefit from an app like TravelStop.

Questr - AR tour guide and navigation tool

Questr was the product of group collaboration and development. As the groups project manager and UX researcher, Claire exercised her team working capabilities and skilled problem solving within a fast paced group dynamic.

Huston Clothing Co. - a website redesign

Huston Clothing Co. is a small local business based out of Austin, TX. They were in need of a website overhaul and that’s where Claire and her group members stepped in as designers to create a pitch for their small business. As UX lead, it was Claire’s responsibility to research and develop out the experience desired by the steak holders for a potential redesign and what that may look like for their business.